
5 Key Elements of Stress Management

I'm Emma!

Creative success coach, Photographer, rescue dog mom, book worm, INFJ, Enneagram 3, doing my best to be mindful, kind & help people be their most authentic, purposeful selves.


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3 Ways to Build Resilience

In this video, I’m sharing three key strategies you can use to build resilience, helping you manage and reduce stress. Resilience, the ability to adapt and recover from challenging situations, is crucial for navigating modern life. Stress today often arises from everyday events—like emails or phone calls—that activate our nervous system, which was originally designed to protect us from physical threats.

Here are three powerful ways to strengthen your resilience:

1. Regulate Your Nervous System

The first step to building resilience is learning how to consciously calm your nervous system. When faced with stress, your body shifts into “fight or flight” mode, which can manifest as a racing heart, adrenaline surges, or anxiety. This response, while helpful in real danger, is not as useful when dealing with the everyday stresses of modern life.

When your stress response kicks in, your brain moves from a logical space to an emotional one, making you more reactive. To counteract this, it’s important to practice calming techniques that bring your body back into balance. This allows you to handle situations more rationally and avoid being stuck in reactive mode.

2. Foster Meaningful Connections

Meaningful connections with others are vital for resilience. When we feel valued, seen, and understood, it enhances our ability to cope with stress. On the flip side, a lack of connection can make stress feel more overwhelming.

Whether it’s at work or in your personal life, taking time for meaningful interactions can greatly increase your resilience. In the workplace, feeling like you’re doing something valuable can reduce stress, and for leaders, acknowledging your team’s contributions can have a big impact. Similarly, nurturing personal relationships provides emotional support, which is crucial for managing stress.

3. Cultivate Autonomy

The third strategy to build resilience is gaining autonomy in your life. Feeling in control of your schedule and having a say in your decisions can significantly reduce stress. When life feels like it’s happening to you, stress levels naturally rise.

A major area that affects autonomy is time management. Many people experience stress because they feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities and their lack of control over time. This is a topic I’ll dive into more deeply in my next video, where I’ll share time management strategies that can help you regain control.

In the meantime, if you’re looking to explore these concepts further and dive deeper into stress management techniques, I’d love to invite you to my brand-new four-week group coaching program, Stress Less, starting on October 8th, find out more here: www.emmaobriencoach.com/stress-less-coaching-programme

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s video, where I’ll be tackling time management! See you then.

4 Common Time Management Problems & How to Overcome Them

4 Common Time Management Stresses and How to Overcome Them

Time is one of the biggest stressors in life both at work and at home. Many of us feel like we’re constantly working against the clock, juggling a never-ending list of tasks but still not managing to fit everything in. This pressure can lead to feelings of overwhelm, frustration, and exhaustion. If you often find yourself thinking, “I don’t have enough time,” you’re not alone. 

Here are four common time management stresses and how to tackle them.

1. Overwhelm: Too Much to Do, Too Little Time

One of the most common time management stresses is feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of tasks you have to complete. When you’re overwhelmed, you may struggle to know where to begin, leading you to procrastinate. That’s when you’ll reach for your phones to doom scroll or decide it’s the perfect time to clean out that kitchen drawer! While procrastination may offer temporary relief, it only worsens the situation in the long-run, as the workload piles higher and higher.

Solution: Start by learning how to prioritise tasks. Identify which tasks are most important and get started on those first. 

2. Poor Time Management: Losing Track of Time

Another major stressor is poor time management—when you don’t keep track of how long tasks take or fail to schedule things properly. You might end up rushing through your day or having too many things left undone, which can be incredibly frustrating.

Solution: One effective way to manage your time is by using a to-do list, but be careful not to overload it. If you consistently put 20 tasks on your list but only complete 10, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Start small, experiment with a manageable number of tasks, and stick to it. Each time you check off a task, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment giving you a dopamine boost; a great antidote to stress.

3. Taking on Too Much: Underestimating Time

Do you often find yourself rushing from one task to the next, with no breathing room in between? Many of us underestimate how long tasks will take, leaving no time for unexpected events like a doctor’s appointment or a last-minute work request. This can lead to an overpacked schedule that feels chaotic and stressful.

Solution: Build buffers into your day. By adding small windows of downtime between tasks, you’ll create space for the unexpected. This will not only help you manage your schedule better but will also reduce your stress levels significantly.

4. Struggling to Set Boundaries

One of the biggest contributors to time stress is the inability to set boundaries. Whether it’s saying yes to every work task or every favour asked by family and friends, overcommitting is a sure path to burnout and resentment. Saying no, especially in a work environment, can feel intimidating. You might worry that you’ll be overlooked for opportunities or seen as unhelpful, but constantly taking on more than you can handle is not sustainable.

Solution: Learn the art of setting boundaries. You don’t have to be rude or offensive; just be clear and offer alternatives. For example, “I can’t do that today, but I can get to it in two days. Does that work for you?” You’ll be surprised how many seemingly urgent tasks can actually wait.

Final Thoughts

Learning to manage your time effectively is essential for reducing stress and living a balanced life. Prioritising tasks, creating realistic to-do lists, allowing time for the unexpected, and setting firm boundaries are all key strategies to help you regain control over your schedule.

If you want to dive deeper into these strategies, I invite you to join my 4-week “Stress Less” group coaching program, starting on October 8th here: www.emmaobriencoach.com/stress-less-coaching-programme

We’ll cover time management skills, boundary-setting techniques, and the art of calm communication, which I’ll also discuss in tomorrow’s video. See you then!

5 Strategies to Improve your Communication Skills

5 Strategies for More Effective Communication: How to Get What You Need Without the Stress

In today’s fast-paced world, miscommunication can be a huge source of stress, both at home and at work. In this video, I share five strategies that will help you improve your communication skills, get your needs met, and reduce unnecessary tension in your life.

1. Understand Your Own Needs First

One of the biggest reasons communication breaks down is because we aren’t clear on what we actually need. If you’ve ever found yourself angry or frustrated after a conversation, ask yourself: What was I really hoping for in that situation? Take the time to reflect on your unmet needs and how you can express them more clearly. Once you’re able to articulate your needs to yourself, it will be much easier to communicate them to others.

2. Ask the Other Person What They Need

Effective communication is a two-way street. Instead of focusing solely on what you want, take a moment to ask the other person what they need or want from the conversation. This creates a sense of mutual understanding and opens the door for more productive dialogue. When communication feels one-sided, it can lead to defensiveness or frustration, which only heightens stress.

3. Schedule Time for Difficult Conversations

If you need to discuss something potentially stressful or difficult, don’t spring it on the other person. Instead, schedule a time for the conversation. This gives everyone involved time to mentally prepare and prevents the situation from escalating into a stressful confrontation. When both parties know a discussion is coming, there’s a better chance of staying calm and constructive.

4. Be Prepared to Compromise

It’s important to recognize that the other person may not always be able to meet all of your needs. Be prepared to compromise and meet them halfway. Flexibility in communication shows that you’re willing to work toward a solution that benefits both sides, rather than rigidly holding on to your desires. This approach reduces tension and increases the likelihood of a positive outcome.

5. Calm Your Nervous System Before You Speak

Stress can trigger emotional reactions, which make it harder to think clearly and communicate effectively. Before entering into any conversation, especially a challenging one, take a moment to calm yourself down. When you’re calm, you have better access to your logical brain, allowing you to think before you speak and respond in a measured way. This not only helps you stay in control but also fosters more meaningful communication.

Next Steps: Join My ‘Stress Less’ Group Coaching Program

Effective communication is just one piece of managing stress in your daily life. If you’re ready to take control of your stress and live with more ease, I invite you to join my Stress Less 4-week group coaching program. We’ll dive deep into strategies for managing stress, improving your communication skills, and regulating your nervous system to live a more balanced life. The program starts on Tuesday, October 8th, and you can sign up here: www.emmaobriencoach.com/stress-less-coaching-programme

Until then, stay tuned for tomorrow’s video, where I’ll be discussing nervous system regulation in more detail.

Remember: Communication is key to reducing stress and building stronger relationships. Start practicing these strategies today to create more harmony in your life.

See you in the next video.

Understanding & Regulating your Nervous System: A Guide to Managing Stress

Understanding and Regulating Your Nervous System: A Guide to Managing Stress

What Happens When You’re Stressed?

Whenever you experience a stressor—whether it’s an email, a bill, or an unexpected phone call—your body responds by activating the sympathetic nervous system. This triggers the “fight or flight” response, leading to a cascade of stress hormones including adrenaline and cortisol. As a result, your heart rate increases, your blood pressure rises, and your ability to think logically diminishes, potentially putting you in a reactive, emotionally-charged state.

While this response can be helpful in genuinely dangerous situations, being in a constant state of activation due to everyday stressors can harm your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Chronic stress affects your ability to think clearly, reduces productivity, and can lead to mood swings and other long-term health issues.

Why Nervous System Regulation is Crucial

Learning how to regulate your nervous system is the key to preventing the negative effects of chronic stress. I emphasise the importance of being able to calm your stress response, a skill that can help you recover from stressors more quickly and avoid staying in a prolonged state of activation.

Here are a few practical strategies you can start using today to regulate your nervous system.

1. Slow Your Breathing

One of the simplest and most effective ways to regulate your nervous system is through controlled breathing. By slowing down your breath and matching the length of your inhale with your exhale, you can signal to your body that it’s safe to relax. This practice lowers your heart rate and helps to calm the entire body, pulling you out of the “fight or flight” state.

2. Take Time for Yourself

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to feel like you’re constantly giving and never refilling your own cup. Taking time for self-care each day—whether it’s through a hobby, meditation, or simply relaxing—is essential for maintaining emotional balance. When you’re burnt out, it’s much easier to be triggered into a stress response.

3. Foster Meaningful Connections

Spending time with people who make you feel valued can have a profound calming effect on your nervous system. Whether it’s a quick chat with a friend or a deeper conversation with a loved one, human connection soothes the mind and reduces stress levels.

4. Find Purpose in Your Day

Lacking purpose is one of the biggest sources of stress. If you feel like you’re just going through the motions of life without meaning, it’s important to reconnect with your “why.” While finding purpose in every single activity might be challenging, seeking out small moments of meaning throughout your day can significantly lower your stress levels.

5. Spend Time in Nature

There’s something inherently calming about being in nature. Whether it’s a walk in the park, listening to birdsong, or simply feeling the grass under your feet, spending time outdoors can quickly calm an overactive nervous system.

6. Be Mindful of What You Consume

What you eat and drink has a direct effect on your body’s stress levels. For instance, consuming too much caffeine can make you jittery and anxious, exacerbating stress. While I’m not suggesting you give up coffee entirely, I recommend being mindful of your intake, especially if you notice it affecting your mood.

7. Prioritise Sleep

Sleep is one of the most underrated aspects of managing stress. When you’re sleep-deprived, your cognitive abilities suffer, making even simple tasks feel overwhelming and stressful. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night to give your body and mind the rest they need to function at their best.

A Long-Term Approach to Stress Management

These tips are just the beginning of your journey toward better nervous system regulation. My four-week group coaching program is designed to dive deeper into these strategies. I’ll be teaching you how to effectively manage your stress response in real-time. Each week builds on the last, offering a comprehensive toolkit for long-term stress relief.

By learning how to calm your nervous system, you’ll be better equipped to handle life’s challenges with clarity and resilience. And when you feel better, you’re able to show up as your best self in all areas of your life.

If you’re ready to take control of your stress and start living with more purpose and calm, my group coaching program might be the perfect next step for you. You can find more details and sign up by following the link here: www.emmaobriencoach.com/stress-less-coaching-programme

Remember: when you feel better, you live better.

The Path from Burnout to Balance: How to Manage Stress and Live with Purpose

The Path from Burnout to Balance: How to Manage Stress and Live with Purpose

Over the past few days, I’ve been sharing strategies to help you better manage stress, and today I want to dive into something deeply personal: why this work matters to me and how I’ve arrived at a career pivot focusing on stress management and relief.

My Burnout Story: The Wake-Up Call

In 2016, I experienced burnout, so severe that I ended up in hospital. For years, I worked 7 days a week, often for little reward, in my photography business. I thought busy equaled success. I wore my full schedule like a badge of honor, and when people remarked, “Wow, you’re so busy,” I mistook that for validation.

But I wasn’t thriving. I was overworked, underpaid, and mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted. I had literally worked myself into the ground. Burnout was my body’s way of telling me that something needed to change.

Healing from Burnout: A Hard but Necessary Journey

After hitting rock bottom, I had to go through the painful process of healing and recovery. It wasn’t just about getting more sleep or cutting back on hours; it was about fundamentally reassessing how I was living and working.

I adjusted everything—my business model, my working hours, and my approach to self-care. It wasn’t easy, but it was necessary, and it was life-changing. Now, eight years later, I’m proud to say I’ve not fallen back into burnout. I’m still busy at times, but I’ve learned how to manage my stress in a sustainable way and the “busy” is generating a profit this time around!

Why I’m So Passionate About This Work

When I say I understand chronic stress, I speak from personal experience. But it’s not just my story. I’ve made it my mission to help others avoid the same pitfalls. Through training as a certified life coach and a HeartMath practitioner, I’ve honed tools that have not only helped me but countless others.

It’s easy to slip back into the cycle of stress, especially in a culture that rewards being “busy.” But I believe we can—and should—do better. Life is too short to be spent on autopilot, stuck in a perpetual grind of work and stress.

A New Approach: My 4-Week Group Coaching Program

If this resonates with you, I want to invite you to join my new 4-week Stress Less group coaching programme. This programme is designed to guide you in making the changes needed to reduce stress, whether you’re already feeling overwhelmed or are recovering from burnout.

Over the course of 4 weeks, I’ll share powerful nervous system regulation tools that will help you calm your stress on demand. The best part? These tools are quick and easy to incorporate into your daily life. With consistent practice, small shifts will lead to big results.

The live coaching aspect of the program means I’ll also work with you to identify what needs to change in your life—whether it’s personal, professional, or both—to reduce stress in the long term. These aren’t temporary fixes; this is work that will last and make a meaningful difference in your life.

Sign up for the programme here: https://emmaobriencoach.com/stress-less-coaching-programme

Why It Matters: A Less Stressed You Means a Better Life

When you’re less stressed, everything changes. You can be more present with your family, enjoy quality time with the people who matter most, and experience life with greater joy and purpose. Life stops feeling like a never-ending grind and starts to feel more like the meaningful, enjoyable experience it’s meant to be.

I truly believe everyone deserves to live life on their own terms, and I’m here to help you make that a reality. If this speaks to you, click the link below to learn more about the program. I’ve made it affordable and accessible because this is work that matters. It’s my passion, and I know you’ll see positive results.

I can’t wait to guide you on this journey to a more balanced, less stressed life.

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