
Navigating Uncertainty: Practical Tips for a Resilient Mindset

I'm Emma!

Creative success coach, Photographer, rescue dog mom, book worm, INFJ, Enneagram 3, doing my best to be mindful, kind & help people be their most authentic, purposeful selves.


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Just when you thought 2020 was a tough one, along came 2024 packed with drama, uncertainty, global collective angst and repeated tests of resilience. This has undoubtedly been a tough year for many people both personally and professionally, myself included, but amidst chaos and stressful moments there are always glimmers of hope and as the saying goes, “this too shall pass”. Whether you’re reeling from the US election results or your own personal challenges right now, you’ll find some strategies to help you better manage uncertainty here.

Why Uncertainty Feels So Hard 

Humans crave predictability and control. We like to know what’s happening and when in order to feel safe; any deviation from that predictive certainty can feel like an existential threat. Prior to several years of mindset work, my go to when something in life felt uncertain was some sort of 25 step catastrophisation visualisation in an attempt to plan for every eventuality my worried mind thought might occur. Hilarious and outlandish when I type it out here, not so amusing when I was stuck in a mental loop trying to plan ahead for global economic collapse at 3am. Maybe your worried mind can relate?

Learning to manage the thoughts and feelings that are brought up by uncertain circumstances is the key to good mental health. Instead of allowing toxic thinking to hi-jack your brain and lead you down a dark path to despair, asserting your power to choose your thoughts in any given moment will change your experience of life.

Here are a few ways you can flex your thought management muscles and keep your head in the game when you’re faced with uncertainty:

1. Ground Yourself by Focusing on the Present 

When you’re overwhelmed by the unknown, you might find yourself imagining outcomes that are somewhat far removed from reality. A simple but powerful method to counteract this is to take things one day at a time (if circumstances are really trying, you might even work an hour at a time). Instead of “jumping 25 steps ahead” and wasting mental energy catastrophising in an attempt to control external factors, focus on the here and now. Is there something you can do at this moment to alleviate the uncertainty you’re feeling? That something might be as simple as slowing your breathing to calm your activated nervous system; pick something that’s helpful, not harmful for your mind.

2. Shift Your Worried Mindset 

Worrying is exhausting and it’ll keep you in a loop that prevents productive action by giving all the power to the emotional parts of your brain rather than the logical ones. When you notice yourself stuck in this pattern, try a gentle shift in perspective. Ask yourself, “What would be a better way of thinking right now?” This small step can help interrupt anxious thought patterns and move you into a state that feels more grounded, hopeful and positively productive.

HeartMath’s “Freeze Frame” technique can be especially effective here. This technique involves consciously shifting your emotional state to focus on a positive feeling, allowing you to access your intuition and find clarity. If you’d like to know more about HeartMath’s powerful self-regulation techniques, book a discovery call with me here.

3. Reframe Uncertainty as an Opportunity 

Change brings unknowns, but it doesn’t mean those unknowns will be negative. Instead of asking, “What’s the worst that could happen?” which can often be a default setting in the face of uncertainty thanks to our inherent negativity bias, try reframing the question to “What’s the best possible outcome here?”. This mindset shift can transform uncertainty into a space for growth, enabling you to approach challenges with optimism.

Journaling is a brilliant tool for getting thoughts out of your head and helping you to reframe your perspective. Try exploring your responses to the question “if this worked out for the best, what might be the outcome?” when you’re faced with a challenging and uncertain situation.

4. Stay in the Present with Simple Practices 

Negative thoughts about one situation tend to attract more negative thoughts about previous similar situations and before you know it you’re feeling anxious about something that happened three years ago as well as anxious about what’s going on right now and what might happen in 6 months time. Unhelpful to say the least.

When you find yourself being swept away with anxiety and worry, ask yourself this question, “Am I OK and safe right now?”. If the answer is yes, refocus your attention to where you are at the moment and lean into the feeling of present moment safety.

If the possible future actions or behaviour of another person are causing you to feel uncertain (orange man, we’re looking at you), practising compassion can help. Consider a “metta” or compassion meditation, where you generate compassion for yourself and others, even people you’re not fond of. This gentle practice is a reminder for your worried mind that everyone is doing their best, and it can soften your approach to others. When you feel grounded in compassion, you’re more likely to think with kindness and a sense of calm. You’ll find a demo on my Instagram page here.

5. Build Resilience by Reflecting on Past Challenges 

Uncertainty may feel like uncharted territory, but chances are you’ve faced it before—and survived. Think back to a time when you didn’t know what the future held, yet you came through it. How did you shift your thinking? What action did you take? Where did you find support? Taking the time to reflect on your resilience in past situations will remind you of your ability and resourcefulness  to navigate challenges now.

Personally, getting through my divorce felt overwhelming and whilst in the midst of it I had no clue how I was going to get through it. Reflecting back, I simply worked one step at a time and kept moving forwards with the end goal in mind. It was emotionally overwhelming but I survived.

Trust that you, too, no matter the challenge have the strength to get through it.

6. Find Small Certainties in Your Daily Life 

While you can’t control everything, you can find small certainties to anchor you in a feeling of safety. Maybe it’s a morning ritual of drinking coffee in the garden and listening to the birds singing, perhaps a daily check in with a friend, or taking 5 small steps every day toward a goal you’re working towards. These small, dependable rituals remind you that, even in a world of change, there are constants you can rely on.

Uncertainty will always be part of life, but you get to choose your response to it. By grounding yourself in the present, reframing your mindset, practising compassion for yourself and others, and remembering your resilience, you can navigate unknowns with greater calm and confidence. While it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the future, trust that you have the tools within you to handle whatever comes your way, one day at a time.

Do you need some hands on help navigating an uncertainty in your life? Book a free discovery call with me here and let’s talk about how coaching can help you.

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