
5 Practical Steps to Manage your Stress

I'm Emma!

Creative success coach, Photographer, rescue dog mom, book worm, INFJ, Enneagram 3, doing my best to be mindful, kind & help people be their most authentic, purposeful selves.


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In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an almost constant companion for many of us. But what is stress really, and how can we manage it in a healthy way? In this article I share my thoughts on the nature of stress, the toll it takes on our bodies, and actionable strategies to begin reducing chronic stress.

What is Stress?

Stress isn’t inherently bad. In fact, in the right situation, stress can be a lifesaver. Think of a scenario where your toddler is running towards a busy road. The panic you feel is your stress response kicking in, pumping adrenaline through your system, helping you react swiftly to save your child. After the danger passes, your body calms down, and you return to a neutral state. This is what healthy stress looks like—short bursts of energy designed to protect you in the moment.

However, modern life often triggers this stress response multiple times a day. Work pressures, family demands, financial worries, and even social media notifications can push us into a state of chronic stress. When stress becomes constant, we no longer get the chance to return to that calm, neutral baseline. The result? Our bodies continue to produce cortisol, a stress hormone that can lead to inflammation, digestive issues, heart problems, and even anxiety or depression.

The Consequences of Chronic Stress

Living with chronic stress isn’t sustainable. It strains your heart, disrupts your sleep, weakens your immune system, and can lead to serious long-term health issues like heart disease or stroke. Stress can also trap you in a vicious cycle: anxiety keeps you from sleeping, lack of sleep worsens your stress, and the cycle repeats.

Medications like anti-anxiety drugs or antidepressants can help in the short term, but they don’t address the root causes of stress. To truly reduce stress, you need to make long-term changes to your habits, environment, and mindset.

Five Practical Strategies to Manage Stress

So how do you start managing and reducing stress in your life? Here are five practical steps that can help you regain control:

1. Pause and Breathe

When stress hits, take a moment to breathe deeply. Slowing down your breath calms your nervous system and can reduce the adrenaline and cortisol flooding your body. Even stepping out of the room for a few moments to take ten deep breaths can make a huge difference. Try the heart-focused breathing technique, which involves focusing on your heart as you breathe deeply, to further calm your system – find a demo here on Instagram

2. Move Your Body

Exercise is a natural stress reliever. Whether it’s a walk, yoga, or hitting the gym, movement releases endorphins that naturally calm your nervous system. Physical activity breaks the cycle of stress, allowing you to clear your mind and reduce tension. Even a simple walk around the block can shift your energy and reduce the feelings of overwhelm.

3. Become Aware of Your Stress Triggers

One of the most powerful steps you can take is to recognize what stress feels like for you. Many people live in a state of chronic stress without realizing it. Pay attention to how your body reacts to stress—whether it’s a tight chest, rapid heart rate, or tense muscles. By noticing these signs early, you can intervene before stress spirals out of control.

4. Carve Out Time for Yourself

Incorporate moments of calm into your daily routine. It doesn’t have to be a spa day—although those are nice too! Simply sitting quietly with a cup of coffee in the morning or taking 10 minutes to read a book can be immensely restorative. Consistent, small moments of self-care are far more effective for managing stress than occasional grand gestures.

5. Identify and Eliminate Stressors

Some stressors are within your control. For instance, if constant phone notifications make you anxious, silence them. If interruptions at work leave you frazzled, consider setting boundaries like closing your office door for uninterrupted work time. Larger, more complex stressors—like an unfulfilling job—may require more planning and support, but once identified, you can begin working on a strategy to reduce or eliminate them.

Taking the Next Step: A Stress-Free Life is Possible

Stress is a part of life, but it doesn’t have to dominate yours. By implementing these strategies and becoming mindful of how stress shows up in your life, you can begin to manage it more effectively. For larger, long-term stressors like a career change, it might be worth working with a coach or therapist who can provide guidance and support throughout your journey.

Ultimately, the key is to recognize that while stress will always be present in some form, you don’t have to live under its weight constantly. With the right tools, habits, and mindset, you can reclaim your peace and live a more balanced, stress-free life.

I’m here to help you do that.

Join me on Tuesday 1st October for a FREE live workshop where I’ll be sharing more about how to identify, manage and reduce your stress.

Register for the workshop here

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