
5 Ways to Get Unstuck

5 Ways to Get Unstuck
I'm Emma!

Creative success coach, Photographer, rescue dog mom, book worm, INFJ, Enneagram 3, doing my best to be mindful, kind & help people be their most authentic, purposeful selves.


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Why feeling stuck is a signal that you’re ready for your next level of success

If you’re stuck in a rut of making work that doesn’t quite fulfill the big vision you have for your business or fed up of living a life that feels less than you know you’re capable of, I have good news. 

You can get unstuck.

I’ve been stuck a few times in both my business and personal life and the feeling of frustration and sometimes sadness used to be something I dreaded. As time’s gone on and I’ve up-levelled a few times, I now use the stuck feeling as a signpost that it’s time to change things up and that bigger and better things are possible.

Some suggestions for getting unstuck:

  • Carefully consider what you want
  • Take a break to get perspective
  • Learn a new skill 
  • Free up some brain space by adding journaling and/or meditating to your daily routine
  • Invest in a coach

You might feel stuck because you’re on a treadmill of doing the same thing day in and day out. Taking some time to consider what you’d like to have or do instead is a great first step to changing things.

Would all the workaholics please stand up!

Constantly working without proper rest is a sure fire way to end up in a rut. Take a break. That might look like 5 minutes or 5 months, long enough to get a new perspective on what you could do differently.

Could you do your work in a new way by learning some new skills or techniques?

Self nurturing activities such as meditation and journaling are brilliant for freeing up space for new ideas to fill. 

Investing in 1:1 coaching was the most powerful decision I made when I was chronically stuck back in 2015. Having an objective perspective from someone who’d been where I currently was changed my life. To book a strategy call to discuss how coaching could help you, please go here.

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